Project Overview
"An ethereal temple of play — a bioluminescent dreamscape of flying pixels. Upon squeezing through any of the multitude of openings of Osmos Pavilion you are immediately bombarded with LED balloons whirling in a powerful vortex of wind. The balloons swirl around the shimmering space, flowing up to the apex and back down. Persons enter and exit in games of hide and seek with their friends as they toss balloons around and play like children among the most technologically advanced balloon drop ever."
– The Windmill Factory
My Contributions
I worked closely with the video, sound and lighting designers to assist with content creation for the wireless LED mapped balloons, keeping overall continuity of the many parts of the project and jumping in to troubleshoot, program and design.
Programs used:
Resolume Arena, Max/MSP, After Effects, Ableton, Processing